
文档更新于2022-03-02 19:19|4.5分(高于98%的文档) |248|97

1丹参酮类抗肿瘤多药耐药性药物的全合成研究化学与生物工程学院 邵鹏鹏 王洁杰袁司夷指导老师 李旭琴 副教授摘要现在一些肿瘤化疗失败的原因是很多肿瘤细胞产生了多药耐药性,给肿瘤的治疗造成了极大困难,所以寻找到能抑制耐药性肿瘤细胞活性的新药是解决这个问题的重要途径和方法。本论文探究并尝试进行丹参酮类药物丹参酮I和二氢丹参酮I的合成路线设计以及全合成研究工作,旨在通过简单易得的生产原料为底物,通过实验选择可行路线制取得到丹参酮I。经过不断试验,课题组通过对三条路线的实验尝试,得到了目标产物的全合成路线,以对苯醌和苯乙烯为底物,合成了去甲丹参酮I。同时在合成过程中,对反应条件和产物分离条件进行了多种尝试,提高了中间反应物的合成产率并优化了分离效果。关键词:抗肿瘤药物去甲丹参酮I全合成The total synthesis of tanshinone anti-tumor drugs researchAbstractNow a lot of tumor cells resist the drugs that killed them originally, which makes greattrouble to the treatment of tumor So to find a new drugthat can inhibit the activity ofresistant tumor cells is a necessary and important way to solve the problem The presentpaper attempted to design the total synthesis route and tried to do the synthesis researchof tanshinone drugs, which aimed at using materials that can be produced simply toproduce tanshinone Ⅰthrough chemosynthesisBy trying many times, we designed three lines to compound the target product at alland finally obtained a totalsynthesis route of demethylatedtanshinoneⅠusingbenzoquinone and styrene as the substratesIn the process of synthesis, we made a lot of attempts to improve the reactionconditions and the conditions for the separation at the same timeAnd tried to improve thesynthetic yield of intermediate reactants and optimize the separation effectKey Words: Antitumor drugs;DemethylatedtanshinoneⅠ; Total synthesis