
文档更新于2022-03-02 19:19|4.5分(高于98%的文档) |394|40


AbstractAccording to the survey, the current rental market there are many problems to besolved Such as China car rental,each year a considerable number of car theft casesIn addition, the existence of the car rental car, overdue and other illegal operations,the right to rent information is also restricting the development of the car rentalmarketIn view of the negativeimpact of the above problems to the car rental market andeconomic losses, the project group using contemporary advanced science andtechnology, a set of mobile Internet based vehicle rental regulatory system Thescheme can effectively solve the current rental market management efficiency is low,cumbersome procedures, can greatly reduce the risk of vehicles stolen, greatlyreducing the market accident economic loss, improve operational efficiencyAccording to the rental market low efficiency of management, security problemcannot solve the problem, put forward to mobile Internet based, to the informationcenter as the core, to the vehicle terminal, mobile phone for a vehicle loan supervisionsystem for terminal The system comprises a vehicle terminal, an information centerand a mobile terminal Mobile terminal to collect rental voiceprint password and addthe owner authorization information; vehicle terminal for inputting voice passwordand the password, collecting the sensor information is uploaded to the informationcenter; information center storage, processing data information of the vehicle terminaland identity matching and transmitted to the next vehicle terminal control ignitionoperationIn this paper, we first introduce the background and significance of the system,and simple system related technologies introduced, once again put forward the overalldesign idea of the system, then sub module to introduce the system design andimplementation process Finally, it illustrates the system innovation and applicationprospectThe system model for vehicle rental and security problem provides a set offeasible solutions, safe and reliable design of loan and security strategy, through thenetwork share data, to realize the combination of local and remote authorizationmanagement, has a broad application prospectKey words: car rental, car terminal, information center, speech recognition,ignition control