
文档更新于2022-03-02 19:19|4.5分(高于98%的文档) |234|72

第1页 / 共20页摘要智慧农业监控系统主要实现的环境温湿度、土壤水分、阳光采集、灯光、通风、幕帘、雨滴感应、烟雾报警、火焰报警、人体红外感应、远程视频监控、远程APP控制、上位机数据存储、智能联动等功能。市场现有产品存在价格昂贵、而且售后服务较慢。我们的产品价格低廉,现有市场价格平均约在10000元左右,而且多数产品的功能主要实现基本操作。我们的产品在实现如上功能的同时还增加了智能联动设置、数据采集实时存储、远程APP监控、实时远程监控等功能,且价格降低了几千元。在降低成本的同时我们让服务更加周到,服务改变行业、服务改变发展,如果没有完善的售后服务团队发展就会遇到瓶颈。商业模式主要采用出售给物联网、嵌入式等相关专业院校教育应用,并结合实际智慧农业大棚设计应用开发。盈利模式采用出售模式+出租模式+定做模式三位一体模式。完善的市场风险控制对与一个团队(企业)来说至关重要,我们将采用深入市场调研,时刻关注客户群的需求变化,在不断进行技术创新的基础上,抓住市场发展的有利时机调整产品功能,并通过引进战略合作者,将智慧农业产品与更广阔的市场相结合,以化解未来市场竞争所带来的风险。关键词:智慧农业监控系统,远程监控,商业模式,风险控制

第2页 / 共20页ABSTRACTWisdom agricultural monitoring system mainly realize the environmental temperature and humidity, soil moisture, the sun, lighting, ventilation, curtain, rain sensor, smoke alarm, fire alarm, the human body infrared sensor, remote video monitoring, remote control, PC APP functions such as data storage, intelligent linkageMarket existing products are expensive, and after-sales service is slow Our product price is low, the existing market prices, on average, about 10000 yuan, and most products achieve the function of the main basic operation Our products in realizing the function of the above at the same time also increased the intelligent linkage setting, real-time data acquisition,storage, remote APP real-time monitoring, remote monitoring, and other functions, and reduce the price of thousands of yuanIn lower costs at the same time we make services more thoughtful, service changes, service industry development, if there is no perfect after-sales service team development will encounter bottlenecksBusiness model mainly adopts sold to iot, embedded applications and related professional college education, and connecting with the practical wisdom agricultural greenhouses design application development Profitmodel USES the sale mode + rent + customized models of the trinityPerfect market risk control for (enterprises) with a team is essential,