
文档更新于2022-03-02 19:19|4.5分(高于98%的文档) |285|52

Newly developed method for early stage diagnosis of Kawasaki diseaseAbstractKawasaki disease is an autoimmune disease that affects children under five years ofage The area which is most seriously affected is the heart, when in rare or severe casescoronary artery aneurisms, arteritis and other manifestations occur and in some caseseven death Therefore, it is important to develop an efficient method that would be usedin early stage diagnosis of Kawasaki disease and help doctors to timely prescribeappropriate medical treatment Our project was carried out in collaboration with BeijingChildren’s Hospital that provided us with blood samples from recent patients withKawasaki disease Our method was developed in several steps: firstly, over ten cellstrains potentially related to the disease were culturedin vitro, after which we found thepositive cell strains using confocal microscopy imaging The target proteins weredetermined by western blotting In order to obtain highly specific Kawasaki diseasebiomarkers, we carried out additional tests by using immunoprecipitation, multicompetitive Dot-ELISA, ELISA etc The results of blood samples from patients withKawasaki disease were also compared to blood samples of healthy children and patientswith common fever With further optimization and clinical testing of real samples, wehope that our method can become a fast andefficient way for early stage diagnosis ofKawasaki diseaseKey Words:Kawasaki disease(KD), children with fever, damage to the heart, multi-competitive Dot-ELISA