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思创科技有限公司舍弃式螺旋刀创业项目李腾云西安航空职业技术学院学院指导教师李伟杨利荣[摘要] 针对传统的平口焊接刀在家具制造过程中存在的诸多问题,创新研发出市场容量广阔、性价比高的舍弃式螺旋刀产品,解决由木材本身特性、刀 具质量和切削用量等因素造成的加工缺陷。舍弃式螺旋刀不会因焊接造成内部组织改变, 刃磨带来的刀具尺寸的变化波动;同时“错齿”结构还大大提高了刀具的切削性能;快换刀片的应用提高切削效率、减少刃磨时间;此产品具有寿命长、散热快、噪音小等诸多无可比拟的优点。 对比分析同类型进口产品价格,通过优化整个工艺过程大幅降低产品成本,利用性价比和客户需求的个性化定制的推广优势,完全可以填补国内市场对此类产品进口的依赖。 [关键词]舍弃式螺旋刀,优化工艺,个性化定制,投资收益[A bstract]The timber carpentry tool cutting process is extremely complexprocess,The traditional flat weldingcutter when cutting tool exists in the use ofprocessed wood cutting deformation due to the nature,Tool features and cuttingdosage, the influence of such factors as many problems Change of tool size caused bysharpening At the same time, the "wrong tooth" structure has greatly improved the cuttingperformance of the tool Application of fast changing blade to improve cutting efficiency ,Reduced sharpening time This product has a long life cycle,Fast cooling ,Small noise etcirre placeable advantages Comparative analysis of the same kind of imported productprices, through the whole process optimization greatly reduce the cost of products, topromote the advantages of price and customer demand for personalized use, can fill thedo mestic market to imports of such products rely[keywords] Abandon type screwcutter,Optimizing process ,The productionprocess ,personalization ,Return on investment