
文档更新于2022-03-02 19:19|4.5分(高于98%的文档) |273|55


AbstractRecently, cameras are widely used in small moving devices such as cars, smallaircrafts and so on It is one of the most effective information collection andacquisition methods Based on the cameras on these moving devices, this projectdeveloped a system that the movements of the devices are controlled by the humaneyes to obtain the video information of interest This project is design as: camera onthe moving devices is “the third eye” of human Through establishing an effectivedata association relationship between the human eyes and “the third eye” based on therelevant knowledge of the human visual system, we can control a moving devicemoves towards our interested target, and finally achieve an effective videoinformation acquisitionWhen we human observing an interested target, the general process can bedescribed as: We first see the interested target in a distance, eg the target is a human,our brain achieve the location of this target by analyzing the visual information sentby our eyes, and then our brain sends control command to let us move to this humanand achieve more information of this target It is worth to mention that, our hands arenot involved during this process The rapid development of robot, small aircraft andother equipment has greatly expanded the human vision Scenes like the fire, deep-seaexploration, earthquake relief and others which human couldn’t personally arrived,now can get the first hand of the video data through operating the moving machinesHowever, the manipulation of these devices still need of manpower intervention tocomplete the control of handle, which is not only bound our hands and is against thehuman observation process In some applications which hands cannot be used, thismethod is also not applicable Based on the shortcomings analyzed before, wedeveloped the interested information acquisition system through eyecontrolCompared to the traditional control method, controlling based on eyemovement has the following obvious advantages: first of all, controlling based on theeye movements is the closest way to the actual human perception and releasesshackles to our hands since Secondly, in some circumstances that our hands can’t beused to control moving devices, the established system can also complete thecorresponding operation without using hands With this obvious advantage, oursystem can be used in the applications such as for the disabled person who can’tcontrol their handsUp to now, the project has finished the relevant operations thatcontrol the car by the human eyes to obtain the video information of interest In thefollowing, we will continue to expand the control equipment type from cars to othermoving equipment, such as small aircraft, as well as develop more complex operationsuch as real-time camera auto focusing to regions of interest The system establishedin this project can be used in special earthquake relief, fire rescue scene, specialenvironment reconnaissance, human-computer interaction, or applications fordisabled person and so on